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Integrative Psilocybin Retreat


Upcoming Dates

* October 19-24 * (SOLD OUT)

* March 18 - 23 *
* April 20 - 25 *
* May 17 - 22 *

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What to Expect: Our retreats facilitate legal, powerful and connective psychedelic processes that deeply explore mind, body and spirit. Our program encompasses an in-depth process from preparation to integration and includes diverse holistic practices and workshops, such as yoga, free dance, somatic voice/sound work, mindfulness, art and other contemplative and embodiment practices. 

We host our retreats in close-to-nature retreat centers, located within a two-hour drive from Amsterdam in the Netherlands. We invite you to connect with nature and simplicity by spending time in the countryside, away from technology and in a communal environment.

The retreat is facilitated in small groups of up to 15 - 16 people to ensure an intimate and secure experience, with a ratio of one facilitator for every four participants. Meals are prepared by our body-conscious chefs and are specially designed to be delicious, nutritious and supportive of the psilocybin ceremonies.

Psilocybin can be a powerful substance and produce a wide array of experiences. The spectrum of experiences can be from emotional, visual, and/or somatic. However, each person reacts in different ways and we cannot guarantee a specific experience. Although current clinical research describes great positive outcomes, the research of retreat settings as well as long term effects is still in its infancy and further research is needed. 

Who is this program for? This retreat is open to people in balanced mental health and physical who are interested in exploring themselves in a psychedelic self-development context outside of the context of therapy.

What’s Included:

  • 2 psilocybin journeys

  • Integrative practices and workshops, including embodiment, creativity, and contemplative practices

  • 3 in-person meetings with personal facilitator

  • 1 online preparation meeting with personal facilitator before retreat

  • 1 online integration meeting with personal facilitator after retreat

  • 1 online group integration meeting

  • A preparation/integration kit sent before/after the retreat guiding self-navigation

  • Full accommodation

  • Meals supporting your journey with delicious, plant-based, and nutritious food

  • And much more…

These are experiential and developmental retreats. These retreats are not suitable for people seeking therapy or as a substitute for therapy and must not be used in place of psychological/therapeutic support.

It is recommendable to talk to your therapist about your intentions to participate in the program, if you are currently in therapy. It can be useful to discuss your experiences with your mental health professional for further insight.




* October 19-24 *

Early Bird - 3000€ (Sold Out)
Regular Price 3750€ (7% Supports the Kiyumí Equity Scholarship Fund)

* March 18 - 23 *
* April 20 - 25 *
* May 17 - 22 *

Early Bird - 3000€
Regular Price 3750€
(7% Supports the Kiyumí Equity Scholarship Fund)

Additional costs:
Psilocybin Truffles (2 x 2 packages) 90€  
Group taxi transfer to/from retreat center (optional) 90€


Or book a Free Discovery Call with Kiyumí Facilitator


Integrative Psilocybin Retreat Program


Day 1


We will meet in the afternoon around 14h30 in Amsterdam, then will be traveling together to the venue to settle in, get comfortable, land with a dinner & connect with each other.


Day 3


We will begin the day with a ecstatic dance morning session. After breakfast, we will have a circle in which you share your experience. In the afternoon your will have a one on one with your facilitator to further explore your previous session, and to prepare for the next, plus an integration workshop. In the evening we will calm group activities.

Day 2


After morning practice, we will begin our day connecting with a clear intention. Next we have check-ins and prepare you for the psychedelic journey ahead. Our ceremony will take place in the afternoon and will follow with dinner and evening activities.

Day 4


After morning practice you will have some time to prepare for the second ceremony that will last until the afternoon/evening. After a heartwarming dinner, we will have gentle evening activities guided by our facilitators. 


Day 5


After the morning practice and breakfast we will give space for another sharing circle. The rest of the day will be filled with integration workshops and a one on one checkin. In the evening we celebrate the journey made, enjoying the atmosphere of togetherness.

Day 6

On the last day we will conclude our
experience together with further
integration tools and a closing circle. 

The retreat ends at 13h30 and the optional shuttle will leave at that time.



* Important: This is an educational and developmental retreat. It is not suitable for people seeking therapy or as a substitute for therapy. Participation is subject to an application process.


 Our Retreat Venues

Our retreats take place at the venues below. All are all-inclusive, full accommodation, with delicious healthy meals, and located in beautiful close-to-nature centers close to Amsterdam.

John Smith

John Smith grew up in a small town in Michigan and later moved to Florida. He attended school at Vandelay Industries College and went on to work for the New York Yankees.


Our Facilitators

The effects of Psilocybin, the bioactive compound in magic mushrooms and truffles, are wide reaching and multi-faceted. Very meaningful outcomes can be achieved through integrating the psychedelic experience with the support of dedicated space-holders.


Dr. Julia Javkin graduated as a physician from the U.N.R in Argentina. She graduated as an Acupuncturist at that same University. She specialized as a psychiatrist in London. Julia is the chief medical supervisor at the Beckley foundation clinic for psychedelic assisted therapy. She has a Gestalt approach, based on her studies with GATLA (Gestalt Association Los Angeles) and with Escenario Invisible (Argentina). Due to her artistic development in the past 15 years in dance, somatic practices, and more recently in martial arts, she combines movement therapy, acupuncture, and psychiatrist skills in her practise. She has also been involved in research during the last 6 years. Julia is based in Barcelona since 2019, working in many fields connected with mental health, mostly related to addiction. She has been working for public and private institutions through private consultations and leading movement-therapy workshops in London and Barcelona.

Dr. Julia Javkin
PhD | Psychiatrist | Screening Director

Dr. Julia Javkin graduated as a physician from the U.N.R in Argentina. She graduated as an Acupuncturist at that same University.

Irene Perez Méndez Irene has been working and investigating the world of plant medicines for the las 15 years, diving deep, getting hauled and coming back to center many times. She has used art-therapy as a tool and a key in this journey : Paint, movement, voice, symbolic act. Living for 5 years in the peruvian amazon, working with and learning from indigenous traditions the way of the plants : Tobacco, Ayahuasca, and other Master Plants. She always knew plants were here to teach us and felt at home with them . She loves to be at service and accompaning others in the self discovery. She is part of the spanish sangha of Tich Naht Hanh, a beautifull way to remain humble and playfull. Irene sings from her heart and love to share the songs she receives, and truly believes in the power of creativity and faith as something sacred and fuel to a life in aligment.

Irene Pérez Méndez
Art therapist / TRE / Facilitator

Irene is a an anthropologist and a tabaquera living for 5 years in the Peruvian amazon, working with and learning from…

Guillaume invites us to reconnect with the body using somatic modalities like Shiatsu, Somatic Experiencing and Reiki. He offers spiritual care-giving within a Buddhist hospice and currently trains as a Compassionate Inquiry Practitioner. He feels a strong resonance in Daoism, Buddhism and various forms of shamanism and slowly walks his path of contemplation. Deeply thankful for the gifts given by the psychedelic and shamanic experiences he took part in, he is determined to support Kiyumí in its quest for community healing and creativity.

Guillaume Dardenne
Somatic Practitioner | Facilitator

Guillaume invites us to reconnect with the body using somatic modalities like Shiatsu, Somatic Experiencing and Reiki. He offers spiritual …


Amit Elan is leading the vision of Kiyumí. He is co-director of Altered - a conference exploring psychedelic research and consciousness in Berlin. Over the last 6 years Amit worked as a facilitator with different legal psilocybin assisted retreat organisations including the Psychedelic Society UK, and led over the last decade many diverse group processes and workshops focused towards the LGBTQI+ community. He studied dance, fine Arts, Somatic Experiencing, Compassionate Inquiry© (a psychotherapeutic approach developed by Dr. Gabor Maté) and other bodywork methods. Amit is a trained Hatha Yoga teacher and traditional Thai massage practitioner. His great interest for the study of plant medicine, psychedelics, therapy and shamanism, along with the quest for supporting his autoimmune conditions (arthritis and Crohn's) is what brought him over a decade ago to research the plant world before learning with the Shipibo, Huni Kuin and Yawanawa indigenous medicine people in the Peruvian and Brazilian Amazons.

Amit Elan
Chief Visionary Officer | Facilitator

Amit Elan is leading the vision of Kiyumí. He is co-director of Altered - a conference exploring psychedelic research and consciousness in Berlin.


Lisa Wessing has a Master in Clinical Psychology and was trained in psychology, anthropology, and biology in her BSc. Lisa has been fortunate enough to work in one of the most renowned psychedelic centers in Mexico, assisting in psychedelic therapy and providing support to people dealing with different issues from depression to addiction. Her background is in harm reduction and trip sitting, having aided in the creation of the only harm reduction project in Mexico. Traditional healing and ritual are some of her passions, as well as delving into the sweat lodge rituals of North America to heal, ground, and empower with song, gratitude, and service.

Lisa Wessing
MA Clinical Psychologist | Facilitator

Lisa Wessing has a Master in Clinical Psychology and was trained in psychology, anthropology, and biology in her BSc. Lisa has been fortunate…


Públio Valle Públio is an integration therapist, yoga and meditation teacher. His initial contact with Ayahuasca in the Peruvian Amazon inspired him to do deeper investigations in Asia, where he got a degree in Yoga Therapy in India, and studied meditation in different lineages across that continent. Públio concluded Gabor Maté's Compassionate Inquiry training and is currently studying Peter Levine's Somatic Experiencing approach. He has been working with plant medicines for the past 16 years, and his work is deeply grounded in the power of awareness, kindness and compassion.

Públio Valle
Integration Therapist | Facilitator

Públio is an integration therapist, yoga and meditation teacher. His initial contact with Ayahuasca in the Peruvian Amazon inspired…


Faye Shapiro is a singer, composer, healer and cultural entrepreneur. She explores the voice as a tool and model for activating radical modes of being, creating and connecting. For the past 15 years, Faye has been supporting people in their journey to meet their voice, through workshops, retreats and private voice healing sessions.

Faye Shapiro
Voice - Body Healing | Facilitator

Faye Shapiro is a singer, composer, healer and cultural entrepreneur. She explores the voice as a tool and model for activating radical modes of …

John Smith

John Smith grew up in a small town in Michigan and later moved to Florida. He attended school at Vandelay Industries College and went on to work for the New York Yankees.


Our Group Retreat includes

  • A psychedelic travelogue to help prepare yourself

  • Full accommodation in a peaceful and nature-inspiring centre near Amsterdam

  • Ayurvedic-Vegan meals to ensure your body is healthy and nourished

  • One to one session with facilitator before the retreat with us to help you with your intentions, see where you are at and talk about your dosage

  • 3 one on one consultations during the retreat

  • Guidelines and techniques to use during the session

  • Psychedelic session guided and supported by a team of experienced facilitators

  • All the workshops

  • One to one integration session after the retreat, with optional follow-up

  • Follow-up group online integration meeting after the retreat